We specialize in transferring 8mm, Super 8mm & 16mm to USB or DVD. We have refined both our process and our service over the years. Today, we use the number one film transfer process in the world – a state-of-the-art, digital, high-definition, film scanning and transfer process in 1080p. We expertly color correct each frame while your home movies are being transferred. We treat every home movie transfer job as if it were our own film.
We use Platinum Archival DVDs rated to last 100 years (exclusive to our studio) for your transfer. Additionally, we now can process and encode your film to mp4 digital files or any other format and place them in a flash drive. With a flash drive, you can view your videos in a computer or TV by placing the flash drive in a USB port.
Stay In Touch
(586) 909-6706
36929 Main Street
New Baltimore, Mi 48047
MON-FRI 8am-5pm | SAT-SUN appointment only